
Showing posts from June, 2022

Taking care of the Leftovers

Where I live the nights in June are super short, if it is fully getting dark at all. So this is a good time to look at some of the raw images collected earlier in the year before I was fully consumed by the Galaxy-Fever.  For various reasons I never fully processed these pictures. On some of the objects I wanted to take more raw frames and some were just tests for a bigger project. Well, none of that actually happened after Galaxy season started.  Looking at them now I think that they really didn’t deserve to be ignored that way. Some of them are actually quite nice and the objects deserve more attention in the future. 

Galaxies at a larger scale

The primary focus of the C9.25 at 2350mm in combination with the sensor size of my ASI 294 is giving a field of view that turned out to be a nice fit for imaging most of the spring galaxies.   However, there are a number of objects that do not quite fit. So I spent a few nights end of April to image a with the 1/6.3 reducer. This is giving a slightly larger field of view. More suitable for some of the larger objects. In addition to the larger galaxies I tried some groups of galaxies. Here it was a bit harder to get a good fit. HCG 44 may actually be better without the reducer. The famous Leo triplet is too big to fit within the FOV - so I captured only two of them. I think they are beautiful - even as a pair.  For the really huge galaxies - like e.g. the Andromeda galaxy - as well as the large scale galaxy groups even shorter focal lengths would be required. I still need to find a good solution for that. In the meantime I enjoy how these medium sized objects turned out.